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How Women Can Support Their Health Every Day of the Year

How Women Can Support Their Health Every Day of the Year

How Women Can Support Their Health Every Day of the Year


Women Health Support

 C, and E, prevent or delay cell damage that contributes to aging. Vitamin C can be found in red peppers, citrus fruits, and berries; good sources of Vitamin A include carrots, peaches, and sweet potatoes; and nuts are a good source of Vitamin E.

Key Nutrients for Women in Their 50s: B12 and Omega-3s
Vitamin B12 is found almost exclusively in foods of animal origin and supports red blood cell formation and the health of the nervous system. In the stomach, acids, enzymes, and specialised proteins facilitate absorption.

One consequence of aging can be reduced stomach acid secretion, which can impact Vitamin B12 status. Supplementation may be advisable, since Vitamin B12 obtained from supplements is better absorbed than that obtained from foods.

Similarly, increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids from fatty fish such as salmon, which is rich in omega-3s EPA and DHA that support heart health.

Key Nutrients for Women in Their 60s and Beyond: Probiotics
Medications, slowed metabolism, a change in taste perception, and other factors can contribute to loss of appetite in our 60s and beyond. While focusing on good nutrition, experiment with a wider range of foods. Sharing meals with friends can make meals more enjoyable. You can also incorporate meal replacement drinks to boost nutrition.

Our gut health changes as we age. The amount of good bacteria in the gut may decline, and the small intestine may not absorb nutrients as well. Add fiber and probiotics to stimulate the growth of friendly bacteria. Natural food sources of probiotics include yogurt and fermented foods like pickles, sauerkraut and kimchi, or you might consider a packaged probiotic.


Women Health Support


Get Moving!
One of the best things women can do is strength training. While strength training is important at any age, if it is not part of your usual routine, your 30s is a good time to reconsider. That's because muscle mass declines by about 5 percent each decade starting at this age. Regular exercise can also help women feel healthy and strong while they are adjusting to all the changes their bodies are going through. It’s also good for your heart.

Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each day. If you find that hard to achieve, try sneaking in short walks throughout your day at work, park farther away from the office or while running errands, or use a standing workstation at your desk to avoid staying seated all day. Please consult a doctor if you have medical conditions that would compromise your ability to exercise. If you feel any discomfort during exercise, stop immediately.

Take Care of Your Skin
As we age, so does our skin. Fine lines and wrinkles, dark spots, looseness and dryness are all the direct results of skin aging. While aging is inevitable, there are steps you can take to maintain healthy, clean, and attractive skin every step of the way.

Protect Your Heart
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in women, and your risk increases after age 55. Cholesterol and blood pressure tend to rise as you get to menopause. The key to maintaining a healthy heart is to know your health numbers. Visit your doctor for health checks on a regular basis and schedule a full medical exam at least once a year.

Eating a heart-healthy diet is also important. Some heart-healthy foods include dark leafy greens, tomatoes, and other fruits and vegetables. Soluble fiber – found in beans, oats, apples, and barley – helps lower cholesterol levels, which is good for heart health. Fiber also keeps you fuller longer, which can help keep weight in check.

If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation (one drink per day for women) and cut down on saturated fats, which are found in red meats, full-fat dairy products, and many processed and fried foods.

Practice Self-Care
Whether you’re a business owner, a mother or a student, life can be stressful! For the sake of your well-being, make it a point to take some time out to relax and engage in activities that you enjoy. Go for a walk, have a spa day, unwind with some gentle yoga, have a cup of relaxing tea, or meditate.

Remember, taking care of yourself and your health is not selfish! If you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be able to be there for others.