Sitting is the New Smoking

Sitting is the New Smoking

Beware of the chair! Morning, noon and night, you will often fitting yourself sitting. In the car, at work, or on the sofa; we spend the majority of our day sitting down. However you can take extra step to move more and sit less, especially within the workplace!
Here are our 4 tips for adding more movement and activity at work.
1. Park your car farther away
Successful people start moving early. If you don’t feel like going for a walk or a run in the morning, then simply park a little farther away from the office. This is an easy habit to incorporate into your daily routine. The fresh air is also great for improving your skin and the absorption of vitamin D will mean you walk into the office with a healthy glow!
2. Skip the lift. Take the stairs
You have now arrived at the office. Skip the lift and take the stairs! Our offices are based on the 4th floor and we hate to admit that we are guilty of preferring the lift; however in 2017 we have a newfound motivation! Do you ever find yourself waiting a long time for your lift to arrive? It may be faster to take the stairs, especially during peak times. But ultimately it is a free workout, so get your colleagues involved and reap the health benefits.
3. Smells like team spirit
At Herbalife, team work is the foundation of everything we do. Whether it is designing new healthy products like Beta Heat® or creating nutritious meal recipes for our Herbalife+ app, it is the driving force behind each project. However we understand that team spirit does not always come natural; it is a valuable skill that is developed over time. So why not start together on the playing fields? Organise a game of 5-aside football with your colleagues or lace up your running shoes together at lunch time. There are plenty of group sports that will enable your team to work harder in and out of the boardroom. So drop your tablet at lunch time and grab a couple of co-workers. Because everything is easier together! #HerbalifeSquadGoals
4. “Walkie Talkie”
Have you heard the saying, sitting is the new smoking? This is because we spending an excessive amount of time sitting down. From meeting to meeting, desk to desk, have you ever counted the amount of hours you spend sitting during the working day? But what if your manager suddenly decided to cancel the meeting in the boardroom, would you join them on a ‘Walkie Talkie’?
The concept is simple. Put your shoes on and start walking and talking. It will make your meetings more fun and healthier too.