Set your personal body goals for 2021

Set your personal body goals for 2021

1. Eat breakfast.
Breakfast eaters are more likely to maintain a healthy weight. And breakfast will also help keep you clear-headed all morning. Your brain needs fuel after an overnight fast. Did you know we call it breakfast because it breaks the fast that you've had from sleeping. Your breakfast should hold a balance on micro and macro nutrients. Meaning you want to opt for healthy fats, healthy carbs and proteins without having added sugars. Starting your day with a balanced meal with prevent hunger pangs throughout the day, as well as spikes in your blood sugar levels, meaning you're less likely to have sugar cravings later on.
2. Move more.
Aside from your regular exercise, try to work more activity into your day. Take the stairs, walk or bike to run errands, pace the floor while you're on the phone, and walk to a co-worker's office instead of e-mailing.
3. Don't eat in front of a screen.
Whether it's a computer, TV or movie screen, when you're eating in front of it, you're not focusing on your food—you're likely to end up eating more and enjoying it less. Take time for you, even if it's just 10 minutes to enjoy a delicious lunch.
4. Stop eating on the run.
This means eating in the car, when you're walking down the street running errands, or while you're getting dressed in the morning. Take time to sit down, focus on your meal, let it digest and enjoy. Eating on the go can some times mean you grab unhealthy meal options or sugary snacks while you're out. If you know you're popping out and haven't eaten in a while take some time to have a bite to eat at home before heading out - this will save those 'hangry' snack decisions.
5. Watch the liquid calories.
Unless your liquid is a meal in itself, fluids should be as low calorie as possible. Get most of your calories from foods, not beverages—it's one of the easiest ways to cut out excess calories.
6. Stay hydrated.
Many of the body's processes rely on water, but plenty of people don't drink enough. Keep water or tea near you and sip throughout the day.
7. Include protein every time you eat.
Protein satisfies hunger better than fats or carbs. Have some at every meal and grab foods like yogurt, nuts, high protein cereals, shakes, string cheese or single-serve cans of tuna for snacks.
8. Have a fruit or vegetable at every meal.
Fruits and veggies give you the most nutrition for the fewest calories. And, they're full of water and fibre, which means they fill you up—not out.
9. Don't skip meals.
Skipping meals rarely works as a calorie-control measure—you'll just end up making up for it at the next meal. Eating small meals and snacks every few hours is a better strategy and a great way to keep your body digesting and metabolism running.
10. Pump some iron.
Strength training exercise burns calories, can perk up your mood, and it helps to keep your bones strong. It also helps you build muscle mass which makes you stronger and can ultimately increase your resting metabolic rate.