Post-summer hair recovery plan

Post-summer hair recovery plan

Is your hair looking and feeling a little lacklustre? Perhaps summer has taken its toll, as direct sunlight, chlorine and styling products may all contribute to hair damage. But now is the perfect time to kick start hair recovery with a little detox:
Step 1: Book a trim
A sure-fire way to get rid of any split or dry bits that might have popped up over the summer. Whether you’re asking your hairdresser to skim the ends or lop a couple of inches off, you’ll get that feelgood factor and hair that looks and feels immediately healthier.
Step 2: Rethink your hair washing regime
Wash daily, or less frequently? There’s no right or wrong answer, but do consider not shampooing every time you shower, to avoid stripping your hair of oils. That’s your best option for maintain your hair properly moisturised.
Step 3: Go easy on styling
Dryers, tongs and straighteners take their toll, with heat causing hair to lose natural moisture and putting stress on your hair’s structure. Your tresses will thank you for a break from heat styling, but if you do style, try lower temperatures and gentler brushing, and protect with heat-resistant styling sprays.
Step 4: Remember to have a balanced diet
Don’t forget, your hair’s condition depends on what you feed your body. Make sure your diet is balanced and abundant in macro- and micro-nutrients.