My Three-Step Cheat Sheet for Daily Nutrition

My Three-Step Cheat Sheet for Daily Nutrition

By Luigi Gratton, M.D., M.P.H.
Chairman, Herbalife Nutrition Advisory Board
Vice President, Worldwide Nutrition Education and Development, Herbalife Nutrition
As a father, husband and corporate executive, my time is precious. Achieving that elusive work-life balance between career and family is challenging and leaves me very little time to make the right food choices, get proper exercise and adequate rest on a regular basis.
Protein Shakes
My own need for good nutrition that is quick and on the go eventually led me to discover protein shakes. Protein shakes are a great way to get your recommended daily intake of this essential macronutrient. The protein in the shakes I drink is mainly plant-based and provides the nutrition I need to build muscle. The protein also fills me up and gives me the fuel I need for workouts1 and everyday activities. And because protein shake servings are precisely measured and portion controlled, I can trust that I’m getting a balanced meal without excess calories.
I’ve been consuming Herbalife® Formula 1 Meal Replacement Shakes for years and would recommend them, along with diet and exercise, to anyone who wants to lose weight or support their healthy, active lifestyle. Since 1980 Formula 1 Shakes have been the best-selling Herbalife product because they taste great, they come in a variety of flavors, they contain protein, and they are portion-controlled and balanced, meaning they don’t contain extra calories beyond what I need. Why do I incorporate protein shakes in my diet? Because the Herbalife Global Nutrition Philosophy, which was developed by leading experts in the field of nutrition for Herbalife independent distributors to promote healthy, active lifestyles, calls for protein intake of up to 30% of total calories each day. Because I work out almost every day, participating in higher intensity activity requires more protein. Herbalife Formula 1 shakes contain 17g of protein per portion in average, and Protein Drink Mix or Personalised Protein Powder can be added to help consumers achieve their target protein goals based on their needs.
The Science Behind Protein Intake
Protein intake contributes to the maintenance of muscle mass. Maintaining muscle mass is critical for the preservation of functional capacity, normal metabolic function, and improved body composition. Proteins contribute to the overall functioning of the body and also provide energy to the body when necessary. Scientific evidence2 shows that increased protein intake may be beneficial in maintaining or building muscle mass, fat loss, satiety3and weight management in healthy and physically active individuals as well as older adults4.
After a Formula 1 Shake, I like to have green tea or herbal tea. The tea tastes great and it contains caffeine, which boosts your metabolism for a feeling of energy, and plant extracts to support wellness. Tea is the second most popular beverage around the world. I’m a big fan of Herbalife teas because they come in a variety of delicious flavours like raspberry and lemon, and they can be a low-calorie option compared to fizzy drinks and juices. The teas are also powdered and incredibly easy to prepare. It’s just a matter of mixing the correct amount specified on the label with water and you’re set. A little bottle of tea goes a long way, so it’s a great option for work travellers who need a pick-me-up on long business meetings.
Finally, I always like to have a couple of servings of aloe vera every day. It’s a great way to stay hydrated, because it is typically mixed with water and ice. Like Herbal Tea Concentrate, aloe is an alternative to sugary drinks; it contains natural flavours and has no artificial colours. And you can tell by now that I’m biased, but I love the Herbalife Nutrition® aloe products because they come in a variety of great-tasting flavours like mango.
All of the nutrition products I consume each day have a couple of commonalities: They contain useful ingredients I want in my diet, and they taste great. The daily nutrition in Formula 1 shakes is important to ensure I’m getting the right macronutrients (protein, fibre, beneficial fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) each day. The tea gives me a feeling of energy, and the aloe helps me feel good. And of course whatever you drink or eat has to taste great; otherwise you won’t stick with it over the long-term.
The other great thing about my daily shake/tea/aloe regimen is that it frees me up to focus on more important tasks; I reach my objectives every day. And because the products are convenient to take, I can add them to my routine as I see fit. If I’m having a busy day need to work through lunch, I can have a shake instead. If my energy is waning after a big meal, I can drink some herbal tea with caffeine to help me feel revitalized. This ability to customise my regimen according to my needs is essential.
1Langer and Carlsohn, 2014; Moore et al., 2014b; Komar et al., 2015; Pasiakos et al., 2015b
2 Rand et al., 2003; Layman, 2009; Paddon-Jones and Van Loon, 2012; Pasiakos et al., 2013; Martens et al., 2014
3 Martens and Westerterp-Plantenga, 2014; Pesta and Samuel, 2014; Leidy et al., 2015; Morrison and Laeger, 2015
4 Björkman et al., 2012; EFSA NDA Panel, 2012; Bernstein et al., 2012; Bauer et al., 2013