How Friendship Helped Me Achieve My Weight Loss Resolution

How Friendship Helped Me Achieve My Weight Loss Resolution
Tara Tashjian: Herbalife Nutrition Customer
My friendship with Connie is relatively new—we met five years ago at a mutual friend’s wedding shower, and throughout the bridal shower, the bachelorette party, and the actual wedding, we discovered we had a lot in common. We both love fashion, enjoy talking to people, and have bubbly personalities. Since that time, she has become one of my best friends.
We also shared one other thing in common. We both struggled with our weight and shredding those pounds.
Ever since high school, I have dealt with being overweight. Time and again, my New Year’s resolution was to lose weight and get in shape. But every January, I found myself right back to where I started.
A year ago, my weight got to a point where I was severely uncomfortable. I had just turned 30, my metabolism had slowed down, and I felt very discouraged. I felt defeated – until I found the support I needed in Connie.
If at First You Don’t Succeed…Find a Helping Hand
After a few years of being friends, Connie got focused and started achieving her weight loss and wellness goals. To be honest, her results initially took me by surprise because together we had tried so many different plans and tactics, but they never worked.
Connie shared with me that she had met a health and wellness coach who had developed a personalised nutrition programme and fitness routine designed specifically for her. Her coach was an Herbalife Nutrition independent distributor.
Connie was not only getting great results, but she was also getting her confidence back. She must have seen my eyes sparkling with curiosity and interest, because she said, “I want you to feel the way I do. I want to share this wellness journey with you.” Connie became an Herbalife Nutrition independent distributor working part-time hours and became my coach.
To me, that was so unique and special. She cared that much about me! She knew how upset I was about not being able to shed the extra weight, but more importantly she knew that I had it in me to change. She told me time and again: “You got this; you can do it.”
She made me believe in myself. With her support, I gave the personalized nutrition and fitness program my all, and it’s paid off tremendously and in such amazing ways.
The Distributor Difference Revealed Through My Friend
My very first workout was one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life. I was out of shape and self-conscious. But Connie stood by my side, deliberately doing exercises that require a partner and encouraging me all the way. That was an eye-opening experience, and I immediately got serious about the program.
Connie’s support is one of the main reasons this program actually worked. Having someone as your constant support system, someone in your corner really cheering you on – it make all the difference.
My original goal was to lose 30 pounds, but I wasn’t sure I could do it. I just didn’t have faith in myself, but Connie did. She encouraged me and, once I committed and buckled down, I was able to do it.
It’s been almost a year, and I am down 53 pounds.* I had heard about the “distributor difference” that Herbalife Nutrition offers its customers but it wasn’t until Connie starting coaching me that I truly understood its meaning.
How Social Support Pushed Me to Keep Going
When you go to the gym, you often work out by yourself with your headphones on. But I’m a social person; I like being with other people. Connie introduced me to a nutrition club and fit camp where the community is encouraging and kind; they just inspire you and motivate you to focus and achieve your goals.
Having that support and seeing other people’s journeys and results – it’s uplifting. For me, it’s almost like a spiritual experience.
2 Things That Helped Me Achieve My Weight Loss Resolution
My main advice to people who are struggling to stick to their New Year's resolution is this: be accountable to someone. Knowing that someone is cheering for you and expects you to deliver results completely changes your mindset.
Also, find a community: a support system that will encourage you if you feel weak or make a mistake. Even if you do have a misstep here or there, keep going. Tomorrow is a new day, so try again.