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Know your Christmas Calories! πŸŽ„

Know your Christmas Calories! πŸŽ„ - HerbaChoices

Know your Christmas Calories! πŸŽ„

The festive season is renowned for over indulging on yummy treats and drinking one too many 🍸

Within a healthy, balanced diet a woman needs approximately 2000 calories per day whilst a man needs around 2500 calories. However, this can vary depending on age, level of activity, metabolism and whether you’re looking to gain or lose weight.

By all means we want you to enjoy your Christmas! Just be aware of the calories you could be consuming to help you avoid the Christmas Chub 🐷

*Please be aware the exact calorie amount may differ per origin of purchase and type of product*

Christmas Treats 🍫

Mince Pie – 289 Cal per pie
Terry’s Chocolate Orange – 46 Cal per segment (925 in the whole thing!)
Celebrations – 44 Cal per chocolate
Heroes – 47 Cal per chocolate
Quality Street – 44 Cal per chocolate
Ginger Bread Man – 160 Cal per 1.4oz biscuit

The Cheese Board πŸ§€

Brie – 95 Cal per oz
Cheddar – 115 Cal per oz
Stilton – 120 Cal per oz
Wensleydale – 105 Cal per oz
Blue Cheese – 100 Cal per oz
Goats Cheese – 103 Cal per oz

Drinks 🍻

Mulled Wine – 227 Cal per 120ml glass
Pint – 180 Cal per pint
Cider – 220 Cal per pint
Prossecco – 80 per 125ml glass
Eggnog – 223 per cup
Gin and Tonic – 129 per 175ml glass (25ml gin, 150ml tonic)
Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate – 380 Cal per Grande cup
Gingerbread Frappuccino – 370 Cal per Grande cup

Christmas Dinner πŸ—
Stuffing – 386 Cal per 100g
Pigs in blanket – 53 Cal per Pig in blanket
Yorkshire Pudding – 52 Cal per pudding
Gravy – 79 Cal per 100g
Cheese Sauce – 174 per Cal 100g

Don’t forget to double up on your fibre during this festive time! Add 1 scoop of the Oat Apple Fibre to your shake to help combine those saturated fats and pull them through πŸ’ͺ🏼

Christmas Dinner