Calcium Supplement Tablets with Vitamin D
Calcium provides protection and promotes healthy bones. Xtra-Cal® gives you a balanced combination of calcium, magnesium and vitamin D with micronutrients, which are essential to the maintenance of your skeletal system.
Bone health
Our bones fight a never-ending battle against the effects of hormone changes and general dietary and lifestyle factors — leaving both men and women with an increased risk of osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis is a degenerative disease of the bones. Almost 80% of osteoporosis is found in women, although a growing number of older men are also at risk.
Healthy bones begin with childbirth
Fortunately, there's plenty you can do to build healthy bones and maintain them as you age. Children should eat three to four servings of calcium-enriched foods every day to build healthy bones. As an adult, it's best to add a calcium supplement to your diet. Xtra-Cal® is packed with calcium, but it's also rich in Vitamins C and D, which your body needs to absorb that calcium.Making bone health a priority
Take control of your diet, increase your activity and curb such lifestyle habits as alcohol or smoking. With regular effort, you'll give yourself the very best chance of having healthy bones — no bones about it!Details
Xtra-Cal® is sold in pots of 90 tablets and is designed to be taken three times a day with meals.Further information
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