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Herbalife – Our honest experience and product review as a couple💑

Herbalife – Our honest experience and product review as a couple💑 - HerbaChoices

Herbalife – Our honest experience and product review as a couple💑

A new, amazing blogpost from Irish blogger, Just Kassi, who is not only sharing her experiences with Herbalife Nutrition products, but also her favourite recipes using Formula 1.

As you know my life has changed a lot over the past year. Apart from all the things that changed, one that I was not really expecting to trouble me was my nutrition. I believed that working from home would make me gain new and better habits when it came to my breakfast routine. I was positive that my new life would consist of healthy lunches and well-planned dinners.

It was to my great surprise to find out that this was not an easy habit to crack. Although I had all the time I wanted to make a nice breakfast and prepare a lovely lunch, I found myself waking up to a cup of coffee that I would drag out until lunchtime, only to remember that I didn’t eat my breakfast. To my defence I am happy to say that these days were few and I did try to balance my week by eating well – having my favourite scrambled eggs for breakfast; fruit, nuts and salad for lunch and finishing off with a healthy dinner (and a sweet snack that I always love).

I am happy to say that I am quite knowledgeable when it comes to nutrition as I have the advantage of having a dietitian as my best friend and my husband breathes and sleeps nutrition and fitness. But when it comes to putting everything I know into action I can be difficult to discipline.

In December I held my first “Own Your Beauty” workshop (read all about it here) and I had the pleasure to have Anne – a local Herbalife Nutrition distributor – as one of the speakers. Her passion for the brand and its philosophy, as well the shift to her physical appearance and energy when starting to use Herbalife Nutrition made me think twice about the products and how they would benefit me.

Anne was so happy with her results and she challenged me to try a month on Herbalife Nutrition products to see how they would make me feel. After thinking about it I accepted the challenge and tried to incorporate Herbalife Nutrition into my everyday life. To make it more fun my husband Antonis (who is more experienced in shakes and smoothies) also took on the challenge and for the first time ever he is writing about his thoughts on my blog. So keep reading to see how we got on!

My Thoughts

First thoughts:

Replacing a meal with a shake was not very easy to get used to. My diet might be a bit temperamental but I always enjoy a good solid breakfast when I remember to have one. Anne’s advice was to try having a shake or smoothie in the morning to replace my non-existent breakfast. I was also advised to try the herbal tea and vitamins as a complement to my diet.

Most shakes use dairy milk as the main ingredient but as I recently became intolerant to dairy milk, I tried to find different ways to make my shakes tasty. I added almond or soya milk which worked well for my stomach. Herbalife Nutrition also have a gluten & dairy free option – Formula 1 Free From – which can work well for people with dairy/soy intolerances.

Having a shake for breakfast was something tasty and easy but it was not something I could easily get used to. It was then that I figured that smoothies might be the way to incorporate lots of fruits and fibre in my everyday diet whilst including the nutrients from Herbalife Nutrition shakes. I was so used to seeing Antonis having protein shakes and mixing them with fruits and vegetables so I thought that this was the best way to get it into my diet.

Bringing the smoothies into it:

When I thought of making smoothies with Herbalife Formula 1 I felt more comfortable with the idea of incorporating extra protein into my diet. I put our Nutribullet that we got as a wedding present to good use and I started exploring all the different smoothie recipes I could find – including those on the Herbalife Nutrition Share a Shake website which has lots of ideas for pre & post workout shake recipes. This was one of the fun things to do for the day. Coffee, Herbalife Nutrition smoothie and I was ready to get on with my work.

It’s all about the discipline:

Although this was such an easy task to do, I sometimes forgot to do it and found myself going back to old habits of not having breakfast and working all morning just on black coffee. It might be strange for some people to comprehend but planning a meal and having a full fridge for me is a chore and I always tend to forget to do it!


The good thing about Herbalife Nutrition is that whatever your taste bud preferences, you will easily find a shake flavour that will work for you. I chose the cookies & cream, cappuccino and chocolate flavours to try and I found that the chocolate was a perfect match with my banana and almond milk smoothies. For my berry inspired smoothies I would go for the cookies & cream flavour and you would be surprised how the cappuccino flavour can work well if you mix the flavours together.

Overall thoughts

I think that Herbalife Nutrition is a great option to help you keep fit, control your weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle and although I saw all the benefits that the shakes offered but it was so hard for me to get used to this new habit. It is probably down to being disciplined and trying to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle which for me it can sometimes be a bit difficult.

Antonis’ thoughts

Nutrition, fitness and healthy eating have been a part of my life since forever. Eating healthily and maintaining your weight is actually quite simple and it comes down to knowing how many calories your body needs, getting enough protein and filling the rest of your energy needs with healthy carbs and fat. Throw in some fruit and veggies and you’re done.

I used Herbalife Nutrition as a supplement to my already good nutrition. I used 50 gr as the serving size that gave me a decent amount of protein as well as a good bit of fibre, vitamins and minerals.

Herbalife Product Review

I was using Herbalife Nutrition in fruit and vegetable smoothies which meant I was taking in even more of the good stuff, (e.g, vitamins, minerals and fibre). I was drinking this smoothie mostly as an afternoon snack. Compared to other more hardcore protein supplements I used in the past, I was happy to find out that Herbalife Nutrition tastes really good and the flavours we had were very complimentary with the smoothies I made.

Overall a smoothie made with Herbalife Nutrition Formula 1 is a great, tasty nutritious meal that can be used either as a light snack to get in more nutrients or as a meal replacement*.

*When it is prepared according to instructions on the label.

Ingredients for Berry Smoothie

A handful of spinach

  • Half a banana
  • A handful of berries
  • A handful of blueberries
  • 4 strawberries
  • One serving of Herbalife Formula 1 (I used cookies and cream)
  • Half a glass of water or milk of your choice

Add all the ingredient into your nutribullet and mix them

Your smoothie is ready to enjoy

Ingredients for Spinach Smoothie

  • Two handfuls of spinach
  • A few berries
  • 7-8 cashew nuts
  • 1 serving of Herbalife Formula 1 (I used cookies and cream)
  • Half a glass of water or milk of your choice
  • Add all ingredients to your NutriBullet and mix them